
it's only taken me what, 3 years? to actually set up an updates page... hopefully it'll motivate me 2 work on this site more when i have tha time!!!
NOVEMBER 14, 2024: I'M BACK i got a sudden urge to add more graphics to my hello kitty page and i just wasn't feeling my homepage anymore so i changed tha background to something cooler!!! i want to change up the vibe of my homepage & about sometime cuz i just feel like theres not enuf color somehow ... x) OH and i decod this page a bit too
JULY 19, 2024: I REAR MY HEAD ONCE AGAIN!!!!! this time throwing myself right back into things by starting a new page for my hello kitty collection - lots to do but had lots of fun :>
SEPTEMBER 24, 2023: decorated rosie's page with a few flower graphics... :)
SEPTEMBER 23, 2023: updated rosie's page- changed background, added more writing, two new blinkies, revamped the gallery & updated with the unfortunate news... i love you buddy ♡
JUNE 25, 2023: changed the link to my guestbook from the smartgb.com link to the new yourworldoftext.com one!!! i couldn't take having a 'no cookies' button on my site when my separately-hosted guestbook asked for cookies, and also the new one is WAY COOLER... also edited text & made room in the jar zone for an update; edited text, fixed formatting on my about page and added daximus's & hello kitty minigun's 88x31s!
MARCH 25, 2023: made this page, including formatting & adding animated title alphabet; fixed the font on my jar page to georgia; learned a lil about marquees & 'fixed' the marquee text on my home page; replaced bucket's site link & 88x31 on my about page with an archive of it; added atomic gothic & warpzone 88x31s to my about page :)
MARCH 11, 2023: updated the text on rosie's page to clean up a little bit of the main body text and make sum room 4 new life update info on her, & fixed the font to georgia on the home page, about page & rosie's page